<aside> 🚧 This has some formatation problems that are being solved. It’s better to read using the SwaggerEditor at the momment;



Version 1.0.1

It's a simple API where you can store the details of your videos, like title, description and duration. It uses in-memory database. It means it will only store data while running and when you stop the application all data will be lost.

Path Table

Method Path Description
GET /videos Return all the videos avaiable. You can have a search query param to filter for the video title.
POST /videos Create a new video
GET /videos/{id} List you a specific video filtered by its id.
PUT /videos/{id} Updates the current video on the database based on the given id
DELETE /videos/{id} Delete a video by ID

Reference Table

Name Path Description
Video #/components/schemas/Video

Path Details



search?: string



  // Unique identifier for the video
  id?: string
  // Title of the video
  title: string
  // Description of the video
  description: string
  // Duration of the video in seconds
  duration: integer